The best and most wanted Inline & Speed-skate bags
Cádomotus skate bags are the most popular bags in the world of speed skating. Our skate bags are very versatile. In su mmer you can use our waterproof bags also as an inline skate bag or bike backpack.
High-quality and comfortable
As a speed- or inline skater you know how important it is to have a high-quality bag. To store your speed skates, which are your most important piece of equipment, but also for the rest of your gear. It has to be sturdy enough to leave it next to the track, in the change room or even outside on natural ice. Cádomotus has developed a line of sports bags for races, training and multiple day events, and for all kinds of weather. You never have to worry about your belongings. They are safely and neatly stored in a bag that is also comfortable to transport.
Ready to go with the right bag
Depending on what your needs are, you can choose from four bags that have different purposes: the Airflow 2.0 for your daily practice, the weatherproof Versatile 2.0 for races, the handy Hybrid Transition Trolley, which you can also use as a backpack, for traveling, and the World Cup Race Day Bag which can store everything you need.
Every athlete has different needs and sports events can differ as well. You don’t need a big suitcase for your daily practice or for a race close by home. When you go to a tournament or a stage race that handy, compact and comfortable backpack is probably too small. It’s also a personal choice. Maybe you like to travel light, or you feel better when you bring lots of gear and clothes. It is up to you, we have a bag that fits your needs.
The best protection for your speed skates
What makes a bag perfect for speed skaters? Protection of your skates is important. You want to transport your skates without the risk of damaging them. Cádomotus bags offer a lot of protection. A sturdy frame prevents that your gear is being squished inside and the wear and weather-resistant materials make sure that your gear doesn’t get wet on your way to practice or race.
Cádomotus bags have a smart design with pockets for clean and dirty clothes, secured pockets for your valuables and even a pocket for wet clothing and towels, to help keep you organized and stress-free. There are also storage options on the outside of the bag, like special solutions for your helmet and water bottles. You can organize your skating gear simple and safe, they are easily accessible and it makes our bags perfect for competitive skaters.